Senior living: The importance of proper nutrition as you age (2024)

By Dr. Ghe Rosales-Vong, Guest columnist

Senior living: The importance of proper nutrition as you age (1)

As we age, maintaining proper nutrition becomes increasingly vital for overall health and well-being.

As a primary care provider, I understand the importance of healthy habits and nutritious diets, especially for my patients aged 50 and above. But it’s essential to recognize that aging often comes with special challenges, including managing common conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder affecting individuals of all ages, but seniors may encounter additional challenges in managing this condition because of age-related factors and coexisting health conditions. Seniors often have a higher prevalence of gastrointestinal issues and may experience changes in bowel habits as a result of age-related changes in digestion and metabolism.

This common gastrointestinal disorder is characterized by a combination of symptoms that can vary in severity and duration. Symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain or discomfort: Many individuals with irritable bowel syndrome experience recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort, which may vary in intensity and location. This pain is often described as cramping or aching and may be relieved temporarily by bowel movements.
  • Changes in bowel habits: The disorder can cause alterations in bowel habits, leading to diarrhea, constipation or a combination of both. Some individuals may predominantly experience diarrhea (IBS-D), while others may primarily have constipation (IBS-C). Alternating between diarrhea and constipation is alco common (IBS-M).
  • Bloating and gas: Bloating and excessive gas are common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Individuals may experience abdominal distension, a feeling of fullness or tightness in the abdomen, and increased passage of gas.
  • Changes in stool appearance: Stool consistency and appearance may vary in individuals. Some may have loose or watery stools, while others may have hard or lumpy stools. Stool may also appear mucus-like.
  • Additional symptoms: In addition to the primary symptoms, individuals may experience a range of other gastrointestinal symptoms, such as urgency (the sudden need to have a bowel movement), incomplete evacuation (feeling like you haven’t fully emptied your bowels), and a sensation of urgency or needing to strain during bowel movements.

Diagnosing IBS can be challenging because the symptoms can overlap with other gastrointestinal conditions, and there is no specific test to confirm the diagnosis. But I often use criteria known as the “Rome criteria,” which includes the presence of recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least three days per month in the last three months, associated with two or more of the following: improvement with defecation, onset associated with a change in stool frequency, or onset associated with a change in stool form or appearance.

For seniors managing IBS, dietary modifications play a crucial role in symptom management. Here are some dietary strategies that may help alleviate symptoms:

  • Embrace a Low-FODMAP diet: FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) diets are fermentable carbohydrates in certain foods that can trigger symptoms in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. Following a low-FODMAP diet, which restricts certain types of carbohydrates, has been shown to reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas and abdominal pain.
  • Avoid High-FODMAP foods: Those foods include certain fruits (such as apples, cherries and watermelon), vegetables (such as onions, garlic and cauliflower), legumes, dairy products with lactose, wheat-based products and certain sweeteners.
  • Focus on fiber: Fiber is essential for digestive health and can help regulate bowel movements in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. Some types of fiber, though, may exacerbate symptoms in sensitive individuals. Aim to consume soluble fiber sources such as oats, barley, fruits and vegetables while limiting insoluble fiber sources such as bran and raw vegetables.
  • Practice portion control: Large meals and overeating can exacerbate symptoms, including bloating and discomfort. Focus on eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day and avoid consuming large quantities of trigger foods in one sitting.
  • Stay hydrated: Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining digestive health and preventing constipation. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, including water and herbal teas, and consume hydrating foods like oranges, strawberries, celery and cucumbers.
  • Identify food triggers: Identify potential trigger foods that worsen symptoms. Common trigger foods include caffeine, spicy foods, fatty foods and artificial sweeteners.

Seniors with irritable bowel syndrome can benefit from other lifestyle changes to manage their symptoms effectively. Stress-management techniques play a crucial role in reducing the frequency and severity of symptoms. Seniors can incorporate mindfulness practices, relaxation exercises and stress-reducing activities — such as deep breathing exercises and meditation — into their daily routines.

Engaging in gentle physical activity can have significant benefits for seniors too. Regular exercise helps regulate bowel function, reduces bloating and gas, and promotes overall digestive health. Activities such as walking, yoga, tai chi and swimming are low-impact exercises that can be particularly beneficial for seniors.

By adopting healthy dietary habits, practicing stress-management techniques and seeking support from your health care provider, you can effectively manage your IBS symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life.

Dr. Ghe Rosales-Vong specializes in family medicine and works with diverse patients on various medical issues. By working together, he helps his patients reach their goals and improve their health. When reviewing test results, he reminds patients that any improvements in their health reflect the hard work they’ve done at home. At MemorialCare Medical Group Westminster, Rosales-Vong helps treat a variety of adult and pediatric non-life-threatening emergencies, in addition to primary care services such as family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics.

Senior living: The importance of proper nutrition as you age (2024)


Senior living: The importance of proper nutrition as you age? ›

Over time, our bodies undergo various changes, including a gradual decline in metabolism, changes in nutrient absorption, and alterations in taste and smell. A balanced diet tailored to the special needs of seniors can contribute to physical vitality, mental acuity and an enhanced quality of life.

What is the importance of nutrition in seniors? ›

Good nutrition is important at any age. But it is especially important for older adults. Eating a healthy diet helps keep your body strong. And it can help lower your risk for disease.

Why is nutrition important in aged care? ›

Aged care residents with poor nutrition, including malnutrition, are at greater risk and severity of pressure injuries, loss of bone and muscle mass/strength, frailty, reduced functional capacity and greater care needs. They are also at heightened risk for healthcare-associated infections and mortality in hospital.

What is the impact of proper nutrition on aging? ›

Nutritional therapists have indicated that If the elderly's diet is low in nutrient-rich and antioxidant property foods, uncontrolled oxidative stress can accelerate the aging process. It is important to get in enough vitamins (C, E) as they interact with free radicals and prevent them from developing.

What is one of the most significant nutritional concerns for older adults? ›

Dehydration: Dehydration is a serious concern for the elderly, as aging can reduce the sensation of thirst. Seniors should aim to consume at least 8 cups of water per day and include hydrating foods such as soups, fruits, and vegetables.

What happens when the elderly don't eat enough? ›

Not eating enough leads to weight loss and malnutrition, which accelerates frailty. A lack of nutrients weakens overall health, decreases mobility, and brings down the general quality of life. Not getting enough protein can lead to a loss of skin integrity, and increase the risk for infection.

What are the three most important foods you can eat for healthy aging? ›

Fruits and vegetables (think orange, red, green and purple) Whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta) Low-fat dairy (milk and its alternatives)

Which food is not recommended for senior citizens? ›

Fried Foods

Fried foods are especially unhealthy for seniors as they are high in saturated and trans fats, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes. Eating fried foods too often can contribute to obesity and other health issues.

Why are elderly at risk for poor nutrition? ›

Ageing is associated with a decline in a number of physiological functions that can impact nutritional status, including reduced lean body mass and a resultant decrease in basal metabolic rate, decreased gastric secretion of digestive juices and changes in the oral cavity, sensory function deficits, changes in fluid ...

What are the nutrition tips for seniors? ›

Older adults' unique nutrition needs

Choose foods with little to no added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium. To get enough protein throughout the day and maintain muscle, try adding seafood, dairy, or fortified soy products along with beans, peas, and lentils to your meals.

What are two nutritional deficiency problems in the elderly? ›

Among elderly, deficiency of vitamin B12, B6 and folate are known to affect cognitive functioning and is accompanied with depressive symptoms prevalent among older adults [50, 51].

How much food should a 70 year old eat? ›

A sedentary male over the age of 70 requires around 2,000 calories. Consume about 2,600 calories a day if you are active. A female older than 70 years should eat between 1,600 to 2,000 calories daily if you are a sedentary to active.

What are the nutrition tips for elderly people? ›

Older adults' unique nutrition needs

Choose foods with little to no added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium. To get enough protein throughout the day and maintain muscle, try adding seafood, dairy, or fortified soy products along with beans, peas, and lentils to your meals.

What are the factors affecting nutrition in the elderly? ›

As we age, many physiological factors can affect our ability to maintain optimal nutrition and hydration, such as:
  • changes to taste and smell can decrease appetite and interest in food.
  • hormonal changes can affect weight and mood.
  • musculoskeletal changes can impact on a person's mobility and ability to feed themself.
Oct 5, 2015

What factors may contribute to nutritional concerns in the elderly? ›

Causes of malnutrition
  • Appetite. Poor appetite or anorexia is probably the major cause of malnutrition and is mediated by a variety of factors. ...
  • Taste and smell. ...
  • Oral health and dental status. ...
  • Dysphagia. ...
  • Disease and disability. ...
  • Lifestyle and social factors. ...
  • Dementia and confusion. ...
  • Depression and other psychological factors.

What is the definition of nutrition in elderly? ›

Geriatric nutrition applies nutrition principles to delay effects of aging and disease, to aid in the management of the physical, psychological, and psychosocial changes commonly associated with growing old. The cornerstone of geriatric nutrition is a well-balanced diet.

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