Film Review: The Boogeyman (1980) | HNN (2024)

Todd Martin 04/24/2019Film Reviews

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20 years after killing off their mother’s twisted, abusive lover siblings Lacey and Willy find themselves being targeted by his evil spirit after it is released from a mirror that was present during the time of his death. Will they find a way to defeat him or are they (and everyone they hold dear) destined to die horribly at his hands?


I’m not sure if I liked The Boogeyman or not. I didn’t hate it, but at the same time I’m not in any hurry to watch it again anytime soon. One of the many problems that I had with it was the fact that the title is misleading as Hell. The actual Boogeyman doesn’t make an appearance in this film, but we do get some nameless guy wearing a pair of pantyhose on his head in his place. It makes no sense to me why this film is called The Boogeyman when it has nothing whatsoever to do with that character. I assume director/co-writer decided to call it that to mislead people into going to see it because they were under the impression that it was about the actual Boogeyman (I bet these people were mighty disappointed). Instead of a cool movie that featured the Boogeyman jumping out of closets and slaughtering people or pulling little kids under beds and tearing them to pieces this film is a mediocre little flick that rips off much better movies such as Halloween, The Exorcist, and even The Amityville Horror to a lesser extent (as the house that the main characters live in looks a hell of a lot like the Amityville house).

I’ll give the people behind it props, I did think that the way the killer returned to menace the family twenty years after his death was a pretty cool idea (his spirit is released after a mirror that was in the room when he was killed is broken, allowing him to roam around freely and kill whoever he wants whenever he wants). It was probably the only original and likable thing about the entire movie, but it got to a point that the whole mirror thing started to get ridiculous as well (the mirror is smashed all to f*ck but Lacey’s husband is able to put it back together perfectly in a matter of minutes?!? A huge shard of it is missing but no one seems to notice??! A piece of the mirror attaches itself to Lacey’s eye and possesses her!?!?!) and is way overdone (don’t even get me started about the bit where Lacey’s kid gets a shard stuck to the bottom of his shoe which leads to the deaths of a couple of people who have nothing whatsoever to do with anything at all). It was like the writers got together and brainstormed all the things that they could do with a mirror and mirror shards when they should have been more concerned with creating better characters, a back story for the killer, and just a better premise for a movie in general.

I also found most of the characters to be annoying as hell as well. I didn’t really care for Lacey as I found her to be a little too whiney, and I have no idea what was up with Willy. I get it that he was traumatized and couldn’t speak after stabbing his mother’s lover to death all those years ago, but why does he attack the chick (and basically choke slam her) when she comes on to him? I absolutely hated Lacey’s husband (who forces her to go back to the house where the traumatic event that resulted in her mother’s lover being stabbed numerous times took place and then yells at her when she understandably freaks out) and couldn’t wait for him to die (sadly he doesn’t). I also found Lacey and Willy’s aunt and uncle (who took them in when they were younger) to be weird as f*ck and almost scarier than the actual evil spirit that is going around killing people for a number of reasons. Overall none of the characters really appealed to me and I didn’t really give a sh*t if any of them lived or died.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t absolutely hate The Boogeyman, but I thought that it could have been a lot better. I think it should have been called Man in the Mirror (damn, now I have that Michael Jackson song stuck in my head) as it is a more appropriate title. It is much better than the 2005 abortion of the same name (where Barry Watson defeats the legendary Boogeyman by kicking him in the face really hard) but at the same time it isn’t going to make an appearance on my list of favorite movies of all time. Check it out if you don’t have anything better to do, but don’t expect to be amazed by it.

The Boogeyman (1980)

Film Review: The Boogeyman (1980) | HNN (2024)


What was in the closet at the end of The Boogeyman? ›

Billings then hears a creepy voice from the closet say "so nice" before the door swings open and the Boogeyman comes out. And if that doesn't get you, King's final line of the story certainly will: "It still held its Dr Harper mask in one rotted, spade-claw hand."

What happened to Jessica in The Boogeyman? ›

Jessica, his girlfriend, abruptly shows up and she takes Tim out of the house for a night in a quiet hotel, where she is murdered by the Boogeyman, who spies at her through the closet in the bathroom before dragging her into the bath.

What does the ending of The Boogeyman mean? ›

The Big Picture

The movie centers around Dr. Harper and his family, who become the perfect target for the Boogeyman due to their grief and vulnerabilities. Although the family defeats the Boogeyman in the end, the final scene suggests that the monster may still be lurking, representing the ongoing struggle with grief.

What was the creature in The Boogeyman? ›

Although mostly blanketed in darkness except for its two glowing eyes, The Boogeyman resembles a spider creature when it's finally revealed by a light source. Not only do spiders evoke a frightening form with their long legs and multiple limbs, they also move quickly and unpredictably after their prey.

What happened to the mom in the Boogeyman? ›

Therapist Will Harper is struggling to overcome the death of his wife, who died suddenly in a car crash. His daughters, Sadie and Sawyer, are likewise struggling to deal with their mother's passing. One day, a disturbed man called Lester Billings visits Will's office.

Is the Boogeyman based off a real story? ›

The Boogeyman Isn't a True Story - But It Takes Inspiration From Another Horror Movie. Fans are curious if Stephen King's The Boogeyman is based on a true story, and while it isn't, it does draw influence from another terrifying movie. The following contains major spoilers for The Boogeyman, now playing in theaters.

What happened at the beginning of the Boogeyman movie? ›

The film opens in a little girl's bedroom. She is frightened by a noise and an evil presence that emerges from her closet. It moves closer toward her and says it is her father. Just as she starts to scream, we hear a crunch and see a shot of blood splatter a nearby photograph.

Is the Boogeyman movie demonic? ›

The Boogeyman turns out to be a real demonic force. The demon threatens the ones he loves, so Tim decides to take action. BOOGEYMAN the movie is filled with scary scenes and scary supernatural encounters with the demonic title character.

Where was the Boogeyman filmed? ›

The Boogeyman was filmed in McDonogh 35 Senior High School, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, creating a generic atmosphere for Sadie's school scenes. The rest of the film was shot in and around New Orleans, capturing the unique tones and creepy history of the city.

Who killed Boogeyman? ›

Boogeyman (2005)
NameCause of deathKiller
CrowCrashed into windshieldTim Jensen
JessicaDragged down bathtub/drownedBoogeyman
Ome MikeWrapped in plastic sheet, dragged into closet, killed (off-screen)
BoogeymanFall back into closet into ethereal pitTim Jensen
2 more rows

What short story is the Boogeyman based on? ›

Taken directly from the pages of King's exquisite 1978 debut short story collection, Night Shift, "The Boogeyman" tells the story of one of the most loathsome characters (I don't say that lightly,) I've ever come across, as he and his wife, Rita, are afflicted with any parent's worst nightmare.

What is the real meaning of Boogeyman? ›

noun. , plural bo·gey·men. an imaginary evil character of supernatural powers, especially a mythical hobgoblin supposed to carry off naughty children.

Who is the villain in the Boogeyman? ›

Written by Eric Kripke, Juliet Snowden, and Stiles White, from a story by Kripke, the film is a new take on the classic "boogeyman", or monster in the closet, who is the eponymous antagonist of the film. The plot concerns a young man, Tim Jensen, who must confront the childhood terror that has affected his life.

What happened to the baby at the beginning of the Boogeyman? ›

And in The Boogeyman, the other monster is grief. We hear that the monster is attracted to families dealing with unimaginable loss: The first of Lester's children died from sudden infant death syndrome, which left the rest of the family open to attack.

Is the Boogeyman good or evil? ›

Type of Villain

The Boogeyman is the titular main antagonist of the 2023 horror film The Boogeyman, based off the Stephen King short story of the same name. It is a monster of unknown origin that targets and murders entire families, usually ones that have experienced a loss of a family member.

Were the worms real in Boogeyman? ›

No, the Boogeyman* doesn't eat real worms in WWE as he hasn't been on the active roster for over ten years. When he was an active member of the roster, yes, he did eat real worms as part of his character. You could always tell they were real from looking (either real or the world's best fakes, anyway).

Was Dr. Harper the Boogeyman? ›

Some time after these events, the Boogeyman has not yet given up persecuting Lester. Then he disguises himself as a man, taking on the appearance of Dr. Harper, a psychologist to whom Lester, divorced from Rita and now completely mad with grief and terror, asked for advice (it is not clear if the Boogeyman killed Dr.

Will there be a Boogeyman 2? ›

The Boogeyman 2 Isn't Happening Yet

Disney and 20th Century have yet to announce plans for The Boogeyman 2, so it is not officially happening at the moment. They moved it from streaming to give it a theatrical release in hopes that it would be a hit and even possibly launch a new horror franchise.

What is the story behind the Boogeyman? ›

Creation of the bogeyman

It is generally thought that the bogeyman was invented to serve as a caution or deterrent to children. By warning children that a bogeyman will capture them if they stray into the dark woods, for instance, parents might better ensure that children are cautious about where they go and when.

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